3 Ways To Warm-Up Your Vocal Cords

3 Ways To Warm Up Your Vocal Cords

The human voice is a complex instrument that can be difficult to develop. It can take years of work to reach the level of excellence you desire.

But whether you are doing a gentle partial warm-up or a more complex warm-up that requires precise control, every exercise you do is helping you develop a beautiful instrument.

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3 Ways to warm-up your vocal chords
3 Ways to warm up your vocal cords

General tips before you start

Before you dive into these four exercises, keep the following principles in mind:

  • Vocal exercises should be done with care and caution to avoid straining or injuring your voice.
  • The goal is to stretch your vocal cords in gradual increments slowly. This means starting easy, then gradually increasing the range of the exercise. Avoid straining your voice.
  • Exercises should move through the entire spectrum of your vocal range from chest voice to head voice.
  • If your voice is in good shape, warm-ups can be as short as five to 10 minutes or however long you need to transition from your speaking voice to being comfortable and strong in your singing voice. If you’re sick or if your voice is out of shape, your warm-up might need to be longer (i.e. 15 or 20 minutes).

Gentle major-minor cooldown

Many singers love to do a mellow cool-down exercise after a performance or rehearsal. The following exercise takes advantage of the sense of relaxation that happens psychologically (and physically) when you switch from a major key to a minor key with lower notes.

  1. Play a major chord on a guitar or piano. For the sake of this example, it will be an E Major chord.
  2. As you strum or strike the chord, hum the first five notes of an E Major scale: E, F sharp, G sharp, A, B.
  3. Hold the B note for several beats.
  4. Switch to an E Minor chord.
  5. As you strum or strike the chord, hum the same notes but lower the third note (G#) to a minor note: E, F sharp, G natural, A, B.
  6. Repeat this exercise for a couple of minutes, switching back and forth between major and minor. It is a relaxing exercise, and the key change to a lower minor sound causes the body (including vocal cords) to relax.

Combine tongue twisters with sliding

You can add a unique twist to your vocal sliding exercises by inserting tongue twisters into the routine. For example, if you start on a note near the bottom of your range and slide up to the top, pause on each end of the slide (the low and the high note) and sing a tongue-twister sentence. This will help you stretch the muscles you need for good enunciation while also giving your voice a good exercise.

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