List of Vitamins That Boost Energy

List of Vitamins That Boost Energy

Some vitamins are natural energy boosters. It’s necessary to consume at least the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) or adequate intake level (AI), and more in a lot of cases, for these fundamental vitamins and minerals to give you that extra vitality in your body.

List of Vitamins That Boost Energy
List of Vitamins That Boost Energy


Zinc plays a role in proper thyroid function, which helps regulate your body’s metabolism. Make zinc-rich foods a priority and make sure your multivitamin supplement contains zinc if your diet is lacking.

  • Consume at least: 11 milligrams for men and 8 milligrams for women daily
  • UL: 40 milligrams per day

Vitamin C

As with B vitamins and choline, vitamin C is involved in neurotransmitter synthesis and metabolism, which provides you with energy and maximizes mental alertness. That’s why including plenty of vitamin C-rich foods in your diet daily is a must.

  • Consume at least: 90 milligrams for men and 75 milligrams for women daily
  • UL: 2,000 milligrams per day


Iodine is used to make thyroid hormone, which helps regulate your body’s metabolism. Iodine keeps you energized because, without enough of it, you can get hypothyroidism and extreme fatigue. A variety of foods are rich in iodine, but only certain multivitamin supplements contain this essential mineral.

  • Consume at least: 150 micrograms for men and 150 micrograms for women daily
  • UL: 1,100 micrograms per day


Folate-deficiency anemia can also drain energy levels. That’s why eating plenty of folate-rich foods (or taking a multivitamin supplement containing folic acid) is a must.

  • Consume at least: 400 micrograms milligrams for men and 400 micrograms for women daily
  • UL: 1,000 micrograms per day


Because magnesium is involved in energy metabolism and blood glucose regulation, this essential nutrient is necessary to maximize energy. To get your daily dose of magnesium, eat plenty of magnesium-rich foods and make sure this essential nutrient is in your daily multivitamin.

  • Consume at least: 420 milligrams for men and 320 milligrams for women daily (from foods)
  • UL: 350 milligrams per day (from supplements)


Your body needs iron daily to make protein in red blood cells that carry oxygen. Without sufficient dietary iron, you can become anemic and experience severe fatigue. That’s why iron is necessary when you want to stay energized. Include iron-rich foods in your diet daily or take a multivitamin supplement containing iron.

  • Consume at least: 8 milligrams for men and women over age 50, and 18 milligrams for women under age 50 daily
  • UL: 45 milligrams per day


Getting plenty of choline in your diet is crucial to stay energized. Choline-rich foods include meat, seafood, fish, eggs, wheat germ, green veggies, milk, nuts, and nut butter.

  • Consume at least: 550 micrograms for men and 425 micrograms for women daily
  • UL: 3.5 grams per day

Vitamin B1 (Thiamin)

Vitamin B1 helps convert carbohydrates to glucose, which your body uses for energy. Eat plenty of vitamin B1-rich foods and take supplements if your diet lacks sufficient B1.

  • Consume at least: 1.2 milligrams for men and 1.1 milligrams for women daily
  • Upper Limit (UL): Not determined

Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)

Vitamin B2 helps release energy from proteins and aids in red blood cell production. Eat vitamin B2-rich foods and be sure to meet recommended dietary allowances for B2.

  • Consume at least: 1.3 milligrams for men and 1.1 milligrams for women daily
  • UL: Not determined

Vitamin B3 (Niacin)

Niacin (B3) helps convert food to energy and is found in a variety of B3-rich foods.

  • Consume at least: 16 milligrams for men and 14 milligrams for women daily
  • UL: 35 milligrams per day

Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid)

As with other B vitamins, pantothenic acid helps break foods down into energy. Eating B5-rich foods or taking supplements helps you meet daily B5 requirements.

  • Consume at least: 5 milligrams for men and 5 milligrams for women daily
  • UL: Not determined

List of Vitamins That Boost Energy

Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 helps your body break down proteins, keep blood sugar in check, and make red blood cells. A deficiency in B6 could lead to anemia, which drains your energy. Eat B6-rich foods or take a B6 supplement to meet your body’s needs.

  • Consume at least: 1.3 milligrams for men and 1.3 milligrams for women daily
  • UL: 100 milligrams per day

Vitamin B7 (Biotin)

Your body uses biotin when it breaks down energy for food (as with other B vitamins). Eat biotin-rich foods or take multivitamin supplements containing biotin to prevent a deficiency.

  • Consume at least: 30 micrograms for men and 30 micrograms for women daily
  • UL: Not determined

Vitamin B12

A deficiency in vitamin B12 often causes anemia, which makes energy levels drop. Aim to eat a variety of B12-rich foods, take B12 supplements, or receive B12 injections if your doctor recommends it.

  • Consume at least: 2.4 micrograms for men and 2.4 micrograms for women daily
  • UL: Not determined

There aren’t specific recommendations for energy-boosting vitamins and minerals other than RDAs and AIs (recommendations estimated to meet the needs of most healthy people).