Make Time For A Workout

Make Time For A Workout

A great way to truly benefit from a short session is to focus on one specific area of the body or one element of fitness, such as strength, cardio, or flexibility.

It’s always better to do some exercise instead of no exercise. When you’re feeling busy and stressed, promise yourself that you’ll manage at least 15 minutes even if you can’t find time for a longer workout session.

1- Sprint in place

Sprint in place as fast as you can. Keep your leg and arm movements fast and powerful.

2- Running in place

Run-on the spot, bringing your knees up in front of you and pumping your arms back and forth in rhythm with your legs.

3- Jumping jacks

Stand with both feet together with your arms at your sides, then jump both feet out to the sides as you bring both arms up overhead to make a star shape. Land with bent knees in a squat position, hold this position for two seconds, and then jump back to the starting position.

4- Speed skaters

Use the same movement you perfected during your side step repetitions, but instead of stepping, jump to each side and jump back. You should look like a speed skater alternating your arms and trying to get further sideways with each jump.

5- Sidestep

This is like a dance step. Start with both feet together and your arms loosely by your sides. Step sideways to the left while leaning forward slightly, reaching your right hand across your body on a diagonal towards your left knee. Then tap your right foot behind your left. Step back to the central starting position and repeat on the other side.

6- Burpees

A burpee is a powerful combination of a squat, push-up, and vertical jump. Squat down on your haunches and place your hands on the floor in front of you. Kick your feet out behind you to put yourself into a push-up position.

In a controlled manner, lower your chest to the ground using your arms. Press back up to complete the push-up and then pull your feet back in to return to the squat position. Finish the move by jumping up in the air while clapping overhead.

7- Squats

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and toes pointed forward, then make a sitting back motion—as if you are going to sit in an imaginary chair. Hold for a second, then leading with your hips, come back to standing. Be sure to keep a flat back, keep your chest high, and really focus on sitting back to keep the pressure off your knees.

8- Modified jumping jacks

Stand with both feet together and let your arms hang at your sides. Step one leg to the side, then return it to the starting position. Repeat this movement on the other side. Continue alternating back and forth until you’re comfortable doing the leg movements at a steady, challenging pace.

Then add the arm movements: swing your arms overhead when you step to the side, then swing your arms back to your sides when you bring your feet together.