Sleep Naturally With These Tips

Sleep issues such as insomnia, sleep disruption, or delayed sleep are common experiences, especially when you suffer anxiety, are emotionally overwhelmed, or with stress by the demands life places on you. But there are other factors that also interfere.

Electronics we all love appear in this digital age like computers, mobile phones, tablets, games consoles, laptops, or television. They don’t help with sleep at all and are causing more and more people issues at night, usually because these things take up a lot of our time.

We suggest some tips to help you rest your body, eyes, and mind with these techniques over several nights.

Sleep Naturally With These Tips
Sleep Naturally With These Tips

White Noise

Try this technique if you prefer to change the ambient sound or natural sound around you. You can do it with headphones and like any technique, it doesn’t work with everybody some tolerate more than others. White noise acts as a new sound to help mask the surrounding noise.

White noise is basically a combination of sound waves of a broad spectrum of frequencies that are combined to produce a sound that blocks out background noise, reducing your attention to external sound.

Weighted Blankets

If you sleep alone, this method might work for you, some individuals have described the feeling of a weighted blanket as being held or hugged due to the deep pressure and holding experienced.

Weighted blankets have helped many people to lower the time it takes to get off to sleep and the number of nighttime awakenings. They not only reduce sleep onset time but also improve the sleeping level and provide a fond dream.

The use of a weighted blanket has been shown that increase serotonin, a neurotransmitter related to regulating sleep. There are so many benefits just from a heavy blanket.

Control breathing

Breathing exercises can be helpful to lower anxiety and stress and help you to relax at bedtime. Focus on your breath and simply “listen” to each inhales and each exhale. Do it very slowly, allowing your lungs to fill and empty as you go.

You can use your imagination to picture your body accepting relaxation and letting go of tension. When we can’t sleep, we experience unpleasant feelings and unwanted thoughts, so try to picture these experiences as visual acts such as air moving in and out of your body.

Take a deep breath and hold it for a few seconds before releasing the air. If you want to do it faster the first few times is ok too, feel free to modify the time and work your way up as you get accustomed to this technique.